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Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

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We design end-to-end solutions to launch companies towards the true Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

Il Gruppo Olidata continua ad assumere

The Olidata Group continues to hire: 41 new resources in 2023, to enhance talent and young people in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud and Cyber Security

– Talent and young people are valued: the average age of new recruits is 35, bringing the Group’s average age down to 39
– Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud and Cyber Security were the main areas involved in the new hires, which affected the offices in Rome, Cagliari and Vimercate.

During 2023, the Olidata Group, which can count on 130 employees, hired more than 40 new resources in all areas of the company. The recruitment plan drawn up by the
recruitment plan drawn up by the Group and strengthened even more by the announcement published last October: a recruiting campaign that highlights the desire to continuously invest in the value that each new resource is able to bring to the corporate landscape.
A fundamental step to prepare for the new opportunities that already await Olidata in 2024, further consolidating and strengthening its development and growth strategy.
The new hires have not only strengthened the company’s structure but are also helping to create a dynamic and stimulating work environment, promoting the professional development and individual growth of employees.
The increase in company skills, thanks to the new hires, brings added value on an economic, social and cultural level.
Among the new hires, great attention is paid to young people: the average age of the new resources is 35, thus lowering the average company age to 39.

“The work team is thus enriched with new professional figures and skills,” said Cristiano Rufini, CEO of Olidata SpA; “training and guiding our resources is the key to building our future; a future where the next generations will also have to play a leading role.