Progettiamo soluzioni end-to-end per lanciare le aziende verso la vera Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

We design end-to-end solutions to launch companies towards the true Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

Il futuro della Data Science con il Gruppo Olidata: Unisciti a Noi!

On 14/02/2024, at the Marco Polo Building of La Sapienza University, the Olidata Group took part in the ILP Data Science event, an opportunity to meet passionate and energetic students, eager to join the world of work.

Besides telling about our reality and our innovative solutions, we shared internship opportunities for those who want to make a difference in the field of Data Science!