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Corporate Governance Reports
Olidata established its corporate governance structure on the principles given in the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies – proposed by the Committee for Corporate Governance of Borsa Italian SpA and, more generally, on the best practices found in the international arena, combined with the peculiarities of ‘organization and business of the Company. The Board of Directors of Olidata S.p.A. in liquidazione has adopted the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies in the original version of 2001 and subsequently approved, in November and December 2006 and January and December 2007, to adhere to the new version of the Code of Corporate Governance, proposed by the aforementioned Committee and published on 14 March 2006.
The Company discloses, on an annual basis, on its system of corporate governance and compliance with the Code of Conduct issuing a report on corporate governance that highlights the level of adequacy to the principles and criteria established by the Code of Conduct itself and best international practices.
- The Board of Directors waived the Corporate Governance Code on March 13, 2023.
- The Board of Directors adhered to the Corporate Governance Code on 30/10/2022.
In compliance with applicable laws and regulations (see Article 123-ter of the Consolidated Law on Finance, entitled “Remuneration Report”, Article 84-quarter of the Consob Issuers’ Regulation and Schedules 7-bis and 7-ter of Annex 3A to the Regulation), and in conformity with the guidelines and recommendations of Borsa Italiana and the most representative industry associations, the report illustrates the policy adopted by the Issuer regarding the remuneration of members of its administrative bodies, general managers and executives with strategic responsibilities with regard to at least the following financial year and describes the procedures for the adoption and implementation of such policy (first section).