Shareholders' Meeting _ 11/08/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Minutes of the ordinary meeting. Third convocation
Shareholders' Meeting _ 11/08/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Minutes of the meeting. Second convocation
Shareholders' Meeting _ 11/08/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Minutes of ordinary and extraordinary assembly in first convocation
Shareholders' Meeting _ 10/08/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Minutes of ordinary and extraordinary meeting first convocation
Shareholders' Meeting _ 26/07/2022 Report of the Board of Auditors to the Shareholders’ Meeting on the occasion of the approval of the financial statements closed on 31 December 2021
Statements and Reports _ 26/07/2022 Report of the independent audit firm pursuant to Articles 14 of Legislative Decree 27 January 2010, No. 39 and 10 of Regulation (eu) No 537 of 16 April 2014
Statements and Reports _ 20/07/2022 Report of the audit company pursuant to the fifth and sixth paragraphs of Article 2441 of the Civil Code, and the first paragraph of Article 158 of Legislative Decree no. 58/98
Shareholders' Meeting _ 20/07/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly Delegation Form
Shareholders' Meeting _ 20/07/2022 Meeting August 10 2022: Delegated attestation Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly