Press Release _ 21/01/2016 Announcement of the dissolution of the shareholders agreement relating to olidata s.p.a.’s ordinary shares, signed on june 30, 2014
Press Release _ 30/11/2015 Report deposit pursuant to articles 2446 e 2447 of the civil code relating to the point of the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders assemble
Press Release _ 30/11/2015 Extraordinary partners assembly summons pursuant to ex article 2447 of the civil code
Press Release _ 14/11/2015 Deposit of the consolidated interim management report as of september 30, 2015
Press Release _ 14/11/2015 Deposit of the consolidated interim management report as of september 30, 2015
Press Release _ 30/07/2009 Acer europe b.v. undertake to acquire 29.9% of olidata’s common stock from poseidone s.r.l.