Awarded tender for the evolution of the Bank of Italy’s Cyber Security platforms worth about 4,500,000.00 euro.
The resources will be placed in the Group’s offices in Rome, Cagliari, Vimercate, Padova, Morbegno, and Dubai.
The contract is for a solution for digitization and document management.
The Olidata Group is already a supplier to Sogei in other areas such as Big Data, Data Management and Infrastructure.
L’Assemblea dei Soci di Olidata SpA, riunitasi a Roma, ha eletto il nuovo CdA.
Today talks about us with the interview of Dario Evola, Chief Technical Officer of the Olidata Group Spa.
This morning at the Chamber of Deputies, Cristiano Rufini, President of the Olidata Group, took part in the Conference “A scuola di Sovranità per le infrastrutture Digitali: sviluppo e sicurezza tra Atlanti e Atlantismo”.
We are pleased to announce the release and publication of the candidate lists for the new Olidata Board of Directors
Un esempio di come la meritocrazia sia uno dei valori premianti dell’azienda, al di là del genere!
The topic of accessibility is at the centre of our interest. Technology can play a key role for us in making the world #accessible equally to all!