Progettiamo soluzioni end-to-end per lanciare le aziende verso la vera Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

We design end-to-end solutions to launch companies towards the true Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

olidata allumiere

Olidata at “Festival delle Radici”

The “Festival delle Radici”, conceived and organized by Glocal Think and promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, is a traveling event that celebrates the cultural traditions of small Italian communities, which are often affected by depopulation and abandonment. During the stop in Allumiere, Olidata presented its innovative approach to enhancing local […]


Olidata sponsors MongoDB Day and Splunk Conference

Olidata Spa protagonist of a double appointment as sponsor in two important tech events! In Rome, at the Centro Congressi Auditorium della Tecnica, participating in the MongoDB Day, an opportunity to explore best practices in the world of data-driven applications and make the most of the power of data. In Milan, attending the Splunk – […]


Olidata in Bologna for States General of Digital Sustainability

Olidata participated in the third edition of the Stati Generali della Sostenibilità Digitale (General States of Digital Sustainability), held on November 8 and 9, 2024, in Bologna, Italy, an event that allowed us to engage with more than 100 technology leaders from major Italian companies. As a Main Partner, we actively participated in discussions on […]


Olidata main partner at States General of Digital Sustainability

On November 8 and 9, 2024, at the impressive Palazzo di Varignana in Bologna, Olidata will participate as Main Partner in the third edition of the Stati Generali della Sostenibilità Digitale, an event that brings together more than 100 leaders in the Italian technology sector from leading public and private companies. The meeting will be […]

Festival della Statistica - Dario Evola

StatisticAll 2024 Festival – Speech by Dario Evola, CTO Olidata Group

On Friday October 18, Dario Evola, CTO of Olidata Spa, spoke at the StatisticAll Festival at the Palazzo Bomben in Treviso during his speech “Europe between digital innovation and technological convergence.” During his speech, Evola focused on how technological convergence is redefining our daily lives, emphasizing the importance of collaborative European policies, investment in infrastructure, […]


ComoLake2024, Olidata is here!

From October 15-18, 2024, Olidata will participate with its own booth at ComoLake2024 – The Great Challenge, a prestigious international event dedicated to dialogue on digital policies of the present and future. The conference, which will be held at the Villa Erba International Exhibition and Congress Center in Cernobbio, on Lake Como, will consist of […]

Olidata NextJems 2024

Olidata attending NextGems 2024

On October 22, Olidata will be present at NextGems 2024 in Milan, where we will present to leading Italian and international investors our new identity and the positive financial results achieved in the half-yearly report. Nextgems is the conference dedicated to bringing together listed companies, which form the backbone of our country’s real economy, and […]


Olidata at Cybertech!

Olidata’s experience at the Cybertech Europe 2024 in Rome, one of the most important events in the field of cybersecurity, where senior government figures, top managers and global technology industry leaders gathered yesterday. During the event, Olidata presented its new advanced solution “THE OLI ONE” for the protection of the country’s system, aimed at both […]


An Evening of Art and Innovation

The event, held in collaboration with OpenText, celebrated the figure of Salvatore Fiume with a valuable presentation, curated by art critic Roberto Litta, focused on the role of women within the iconic works of the 20th century artist. An experience, enhanced by networking moments, that confirms Olidata’s commitment to promoting and supporting art and culture. […]
