Progettiamo soluzioni end-to-end per lanciare le aziende verso la vera Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

We design end-to-end solutions to launch companies towards the true Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

olidata allumiere

The “Festival delle Radici”, conceived and organized by Glocal Think and promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, is a traveling event that celebrates the cultural traditions of small Italian communities, which are often affected by depopulation and abandonment.

During the stop in Allumiere, Olidata presented its innovative approach to enhancing local tourism through advanced technologies and data analysis, aiming to create a stronger, more inclusive and sustainable tourism for the future of our country.

“We believe in the power of technology to preserve and grow small Italian businesses,” said Claudia Quadrino, CEO of Olidata.