Progettiamo soluzioni end-to-end per lanciare le aziende verso la vera Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

We design end-to-end solutions to launch companies towards the true Digital Revolution.



Via Giulio Vincenzo Bona, 120, 00155 Roma RM

+39 06.94.320.183

Certificazione per la parità di genere

Olidata is among about 2,000 certified companies out of a total of more than 4.5 million Italian companies.

The Olidata Group, through its subsidiary Sferanet, obtains certification for gender equality, namely UNI/PdR 125:2022. This is a recognition for a group composed of about 130 employees, which launched a recruiting campaign a few months ago and is promoting merit by including many young people in its ranks (already today the average age is significantly lower than in many Italian companies, in fact it stands at 39).

The Group’s commitment, recognized by the certifying body Accredia, is developed in several areas: from raising awareness among its employees to a series of policies that promote inclusion (starting from the selection phase), passing through the presence of women in top roles. These include the CEO of Sferanet (a subsidiary of Olidata), its Legal Director, the HR Director, the CEO of the subsidiary I.Con, the Investor Relations Director, and 2 members of the Board of Directors of the entire group. Then there are women at the helm of innovative and primary business functions, most notably the one related to Artificial Intelligence, in which Olidata is investing to expand its business and lead the ongoing digital transformation.
Not so common presence, especially in the technology sector, due to strong cultural work, now one of Olidata’s strengths: the company has undertaken several training initiatives dedicated to all its people, including top management, to break down barriers and stereotypes.
Another Olidata excellence, protecting gender equality, is represented by the path of resource selection and development. Inclusive policies in recruitment, internal mobility and post-maternity job protection mechanisms are some examples, which match the purpose of UNI/PdR 125:2022, created to facilitate greater labor participation of women, promoting ad hoc policies for work-life balance and guaranteeing the maintenance of employment even after the birth of children.
To date, few Italian ICT-related companies have obtained this certification, including Olidata.

We have been back on the stock market for less than a year and we have already achieved remarkable milestones: acquisitions, the awarding of important contracts with top players on the national scene, and a half-yearly report that closed beyond expectations. None of this would have been possible without the contribution of every single person who makes up our Group, and that is why we work to constantly improve. Olidata’s women and men are the foundation of the company’s success. We believe that through inclusion and respect for gender differences we create an optimal workplace that stimulates production and enhances the skills of each employee,” says Cristiano Rufini, CEO of the Olidata Group.